No, Trump does not have a "mandate"...
(too old to reply)
David Hartung
2025-01-17 19:13:44 UTC
...as the term is *always* taken to mean in politics.

"Sir, the truth is, that the reelection of the president proves as little an
approbation by the people of all the opinions he may hold … as it would prove
that if the president had a carbuncle … they meant, by reelecting him, to
approve of his carbuncle."

Henry Clay to Andrew Jackson when Jackson claimed to hold a "mandate" following
reelection in 1832.


Trump has a technical legal mandate to run the executive branch. Trump does
*not* have a political mandate. *Always*, in politics, an election winner is
said to have a mandate when he won an *overwhelming* popular vote victory. That
is what the word means — *always*. Trump did not win a big popular vote victory.
In fact, the insurrectionist didn't even win a majority.

Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2025-01-17 20:26:45 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid-- and short-- to know what the word means.

MANDATE: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action,
regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is
victorious in an election.

It's obviously NOT settled, dwarf. Enjoy the next four years of
Trump's mandate.
Siri Cruise
2025-01-17 21:26:34 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid-- and short-- to know what the word means.
MANDATE: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action,
regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is
victorious in an election.
It's obviously NOT settled, dwarf. Enjoy the next four years of
Trump's mandate.
Why is Don Fatso is terrified he will be opposed?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Rudy Canoza
2025-01-17 21:30:45 UTC
Yep! That certainly is the default, all right! *HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA*!
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid to know what the word means.
I know what the word means, KKKlaun Cuntflaps. A legal mandate is not the same
thing as a political mandate, KKKlaun Cuntflaps.
Post by Siri Cruise
[snip irrelevant dictionary definition; only thick cunts depend on dictionaries]
It's obviously NOT settled
It's settled, KKKlaun Cunt Flaps. Trump does not have a political mandate. He
has a narrow legal mandate. They're not the same thing.
Post by Siri Cruise
Why is Don Fatso is terrified he will be opposed?
Because he's insecure.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2025-01-17 23:00:54 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Klaus, Rudy's superior in every way, typed
[Default]  Rudy "Cunt Flaps" Canoza typed
Yep! That certainly is the default, all right! *HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA*!
It sure is, "Cunt Flaps!"
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid to know what the word means.
I know what the word means
No, you obviously do not, "Cunt Flaps!"

Post by Rudy Canoza
It's obviously NOT settled
It's settled, Mr. Schadenfreud
No, it's obviously not. Only dwarfish cunts like you claim it is
because you don't know what the word "mandate" means, after *after* I
schooled you.



When are you going to grow the balls to address me directly, Rudy? I
mean, how afraid of me *are* you?

Klaus Schadenfreude
2025-01-17 23:01:18 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid-- and short-- to know what the word means.
MANDATE: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action,
regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is
victorious in an election.
It's obviously NOT settled, dwarf. Enjoy the next four years of
Trump's mandate.
Why is Don Fatso is terrified he will be opposed?
Who are you babbling about, you silly cunt?
2025-01-18 02:15:03 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid-- and short-- to know what the word
means. >>
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
MANDATE: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action,
regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is
victorious in an election.
It's obviously NOT settled, dwarf. Enjoy the next four years of
Trump's mandate.
Why is Don Fatso is terrified he will be opposed?
Who are you babbling about, you silly cunt?
I'll suck her ass if she's black. I wanna suck black ass.
2025-01-18 02:15:35 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by David Hartung
Trump does not have a (political) mandate. This is settled.
You're too fucking stupid-- and short-- to know what the word means.
MANDATE: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action,
regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is
victorious in an election.
It's obviously NOT settled, dwarf. Enjoy the next four years of
Trump's mandate.
Why is Don Fatso is terrified he will be opposed?
Are you black? I wanna suck black ass.
