Mississippi school district fined $7500 for opening assembly with prayer
(too old to reply)
2015-07-29 06:55:47 UTC
Frito Pendejo
2015-07-29 07:13:27 UTC
Post by DoD
When I was in skool I was always forced to attend skool assemblies.
They took attendance and we were penalized if we didn't attend.

Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services. A little
religious prayer doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but it is
a huge deal for those of us who don't beLIEve but are forced to
pretend we do -- under threat of suspension, possibly ruining
our chances of ever getting into college.

Personally, I never had to attend a skool religious rally.
Rather, the rallies were always for the football team, which I
opposed almost as much as religion. Still, I had to stand there
and pretend I cared about that shit. But I didn't care, and
forcing me to stand there and pretend I cared did not help
enamor me to that crap. Now I hate sports, and Christianity,
with a passion. And I have self-righteous Foxtards like you
to thank for it!
One Party System
2015-07-29 10:38:59 UTC
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by DoD
When I was in skool I was always forced to attend skool assemblies.
They took attendance and we were penalized if we didn't attend.
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services. A little
religious prayer doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but it is
a huge deal for those of us who don't beLIEve but are forced to
pretend we do -- under threat of suspension, possibly ruining
our chances of ever getting into college.
Personally, I never had to attend a skool religious rally.
Rather, the rallies were always for the football team, which I
opposed almost as much as religion. Still, I had to stand there
and pretend I cared about that shit. But I didn't care, and
forcing me to stand there and pretend I cared did not help
enamor me to that crap. Now I hate sports, and Christianity,
with a passion. And I have self-righteous Foxtards like you
to thank for it!
There is scant evidence that you are educated or civilized.
There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient
to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an
easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to
make themselves prominent before the public.

Booker T. Washington
Klaus Schadenfreude
2015-07-29 12:30:55 UTC
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:13:27 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services.
Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity, OK?
Frito Pendejo
2015-07-30 08:15:28 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:13:27 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services.
Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity, OK?
Oh, but I am *SO* much more intelligent than you! I try not to
brag, but my IQ is light years ahead of yours.

Sometimes I feel guilty being smarter than everyone else. Then
I see how stoopid my fellow compatriots are, and I don't feel
too guilty taking advantage of them.

I'm currently undergoing a midlife crisis, trying to reconcile my
advanced intelligence with the shreds of my conscience which tell
me it is unethical to take advantage of retards. Then I look at
the potential dollar signs and my conscience is cleared.

Just to be clear: I am smarter than you, your papa, your grandpapa,
and his little dog too combined. I'm trying my best to not be a
braggart, but y'all deserve the humiliation. Y'all can insult me for
my sexual preferences, for my weird hobbies, my poor taste in movies,
music, etc., but don't you DARE insult my intelligence!! 'Nuff said.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2015-07-30 09:38:58 UTC
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:15:28 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:13:27 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services.
Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity, OK?
Oh, but I am *SO* much more intelligent than you!
Apparently not.
Jeanne Douglas
2015-07-30 10:14:00 UTC
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:13:27 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services.
Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity, OK?
Oh, but I am *SO* much more intelligent than you! I try not to
brag, but my IQ is light years ahead of yours.
Sometimes I feel guilty being smarter than everyone else. Then
I see how stoopid my fellow compatriots are, and I don't feel
too guilty taking advantage of them.
I'm currently undergoing a midlife crisis, trying to reconcile my
advanced intelligence with the shreds of my conscience which tell
me it is unethical to take advantage of retards. Then I look at
the potential dollar signs and my conscience is cleared.
Just to be clear: I am smarter than you, your papa, your grandpapa,
and his little dog too combined. I'm trying my best to not be a
braggart, but y'all deserve the humiliation. Y'all can insult me for
my sexual preferences, for my weird hobbies, my poor taste in movies,
music, etc., but don't you DARE insult my intelligence!! 'Nuff said.
Anybody who has to brag on his intelligence so hard OBVIOUSLY knows his
intelligence is not up to snuff and can't accept that fact.

Being open-minded is merely the willingness to consider
evidence, not the willingness to accept claims without any.
Frito Pendejo
2015-07-31 05:29:30 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:13:27 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services.
Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity, OK?
Oh, but I am *SO* much more intelligent than you! I try not to
brag, but my IQ is light years ahead of yours.
Sometimes I feel guilty being smarter than everyone else. Then
I see how stoopid my fellow compatriots are, and I don't feel
too guilty taking advantage of them.
I'm currently undergoing a midlife crisis, trying to reconcile my
advanced intelligence with the shreds of my conscience which tell
me it is unethical to take advantage of retards. Then I look at
the potential dollar signs and my conscience is cleared.
Just to be clear: I am smarter than you, your papa, your grandpapa,
and his little dog too combined. I'm trying my best to not be a
braggart, but y'all deserve the humiliation. Y'all can insult me for
my sexual preferences, for my weird hobbies, my poor taste in movies,
music, etc., but don't you DARE insult my intelligence!! 'Nuff said.
Anybody who has to brag on his intelligence so hard OBVIOUSLY knows his
intelligence is not up to snuff and can't accept that fact.
True, up to a point. I know I'm smart, I haven't exploited it to full
advantage, and as a result I tend to be depressed. I don't have the
mathematical skills of Albert Einstein, and I feel guilty taking
advantage of retarded people. With a touch more charisma, and less
conscience, I could be a faith healer.

I could have been a successful mid-level embezzler. Not a con artist,
as I don't have the necessary acting skills. I wouldn't mind being a
hitman, except I don't have good aim. Which is why I'm undergoing a
midlife crisis. My finances are secure, which is why I don't really
care anymore.
One Party System
2015-07-30 13:11:07 UTC
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:13:27 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services.
Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity, OK?
Oh, but I am *SO* much more intelligent than you! I try not to
brag, but my IQ is light years ahead of yours.
Sometimes I feel guilty being smarter than everyone else. Then
I see how stoopid my fellow compatriots are, and I don't feel
too guilty taking advantage of them.
I'm currently undergoing a midlife crisis, trying to reconcile my
advanced intelligence with the shreds of my conscience which tell
me it is unethical to take advantage of retards. Then I look at
the potential dollar signs and my conscience is cleared.
Just to be clear: I am smarter than you, your papa, your grandpapa,
and his little dog too combined. I'm trying my best to not be a
braggart, but y'all deserve the humiliation. Y'all can insult me for
my sexual preferences, for my weird hobbies, my poor taste in movies,
music, etc., but don't you DARE insult my intelligence!! 'Nuff said.
Yawn. Another corpse on the side of the road marching towards liuberty.
There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient
to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an
easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to
make themselves prominent before the public.

Booker T. Washington
2015-07-29 17:14:52 UTC
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by DoD
When I was in skool I was always forced to attend skool assemblies.
They took attendance and we were penalized if we didn't attend.
Now you and your fellow Foxtards seem to be saying that skool
students can be forced to attend RELIGIOUS services. A little
religious prayer doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but it is
a huge deal for those of us who don't beLIEve but are forced to
pretend we do -- under threat of suspension, possibly ruining
our chances of ever getting into college.
Personally, I never had to attend a skool religious rally.
Rather, the rallies were always for the football team, which I
opposed almost as much as religion. Still, I had to stand there
and pretend I cared about that shit. But I didn't care, and
forcing me to stand there and pretend I cared did not help
enamor me to that crap. Now I hate sports, and Christianity,
with a passion. And I have self-righteous Foxtards like you
to thank for it!
Well pendejo, an alternative for you is to fucking get over it.

Hell, I don't like sports either, particularly the world's two dumbest
sports: baseball and soccer. (oh, I forgot to mention racewalking).
But I'm happy to see the enjoyment that other people get from sports.

And I'm happy to see the quality of life that religion can bring.
Noseyn Bar Qacukki
2015-07-30 06:52:43 UTC
Post by Wayne
And I'm happy to see the quality of life that religion can bring.
Really? Atheists are greatly underrepresented in you country's
gaols. Most inmates even sport religious tattoos.
2015-07-30 20:39:36 UTC
Post by Noseyn Bar Qacukki
Post by Wayne
And I'm happy to see the quality of life that religion can bring.
Really? Atheists are greatly underrepresented in you country's
gaols. Most inmates even sport religious tattoos.
I have no idea what your reply says, and I stand by my original statement.

Let's say I have a neighbor who is, oh....I don't know, perhaps a Mormon
They are married, have four kids, both have jobs and the kids have part time
They emphasize to their children the value of education, staying off drugs
and following Christian
guidelines. Their children end up educated, with good jobs, and no criminal

I'd much rather have such a neighbor than an atheist who runs around
and whining about everybody else's actions.
Noseyn Bar Qacukki
2015-07-31 07:09:30 UTC
Post by Wayne
Let's say I have a neighbor who is, oh....I don't know, perhaps a
Mormon couple.
Mormons are the most boring people on earth, have fun.
Post by Wayne
I'd much rather have such a neighbor than an atheist who runs around
and whining about everybody else's actions.
Whining about everybody else's [ungodly] actions is the main pastime
of bigots. Atheists don't give a shit about other people's opinions,
sexual preferences, and so on. Their only wish is to be left alone.
2015-07-31 17:08:08 UTC
Post by Noseyn Bar Qacukki
Post by Wayne
Let's say I have a neighbor who is, oh....I don't know, perhaps a
Mormon couple.
Mormons are the most boring people on earth, have fun.
I don't have to "have fun" or have anything to do with them.
They are still of superior moral character.
Post by Noseyn Bar Qacukki
Post by Wayne
I'd much rather have such a neighbor than an atheist who runs around
and whining about everybody else's actions.
Whining about everybody else's [ungodly] actions is the main pastime
of bigots. Atheists don't give a shit about other people's opinions,
sexual preferences, and so on. Their only wish is to be left alone.
Yet atheists are always out there making sure they don't get left alone.

If someone comments to you "happy Easter" or "Merry Christmas" or whatever,
you can simply smile and say "and to you too".

Or you can be a fucking dick about it and make an issue.

2015-07-30 13:32:12 UTC
Post by DoD

It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have to
waste time praying at home or in church, eh?

I don't mind if people want to live in an alternate reality, as long as
they don't try to govern in this one.
One Party System
2015-07-30 13:48:01 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have to
waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
It's a good thing Missispians have enough guns and ammunition to run off
the busybodies.
There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient
to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an
easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to
make themselves prominent before the public.

Booker T. Washington
2015-07-30 21:24:58 UTC
Post by One Party System
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have
to waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
It's a good thing Missispians have enough guns and ammunition to run off
the busybodies.
Like the way Gov Wallace stood up to the busybodies in Alabama in 1963?

I don't mind if people want to live in an alternate reality, as long as
they don't try to govern in this one.
One Party System
2015-07-31 03:01:48 UTC
Post by MarkA
Post by One Party System
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have
to waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
It's a good thing Missispians have enough guns and ammunition to run off
the busybodies.
Like the way Gov Wallace stood up to the busybodies in Alabama in 1963?
No stupid. I would say nice try, but frankly after you sloobering idiots
have tried to make everything about race, I'm pretty disgusted.
There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient
to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an
easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to
make themselves prominent before the public.

Booker T. Washington
Frito Pendejo
2015-07-31 05:48:41 UTC
Post by MarkA
Post by One Party System
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have
to waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
It's a good thing Missispians have enough guns and ammunition to run off
the busybodies.
Like the way Gov Wallace stood up to the busybodies in Alabama in 1963?
Who's George Wallace? I vaguely remember the name from history class,
but whoever this person was in 1963 is completely irrelevant in 2015.

BTW, I'm trying to get some traveling in before I die. One place that I
don't want to visit, but feel I must in order to see for myself if it is
as horrible as the horror stories I hear, is Alabama. Prejudice is
wrong, and it is wrong to pre-judge millions of residents of a region
without ever meeting them yourself. My entire perception of the
American South is based on Deliverance and Squidbillies, which I know is

2015-07-31 08:11:03 UTC
Post by Frito Pendejo
Post by MarkA
Post by One Party System
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have
to waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
It's a good thing Missispians have enough guns and ammunition to run off
the busybodies.
Like the way Gov Wallace stood up to the busybodies in Alabama in 1963?
Who's George Wallace? I vaguely remember the name from history class,
but whoever this person was in 1963 is completely irrelevant in 2015.
BTW, I'm trying to get some traveling in before I die. One place that I
don't want to visit, but feel I must in order to see for myself if it is
as horrible as the horror stories I hear, is Alabama. Prejudice is
wrong, and it is wrong to pre-judge millions of residents of a region
without ever meeting them yourself. My entire perception of the
American South is based on Deliverance and Squidbillies, which I know is
If prejudice is wrong they why do you allow yourself to have so much?
You've just got to stop listening to race-baiting Libs who keep trying
to drive a wedge between races to keep them politically weak and
dependent. If you're so smart you should know all this already.

Your whole idea of so MANY things you think you know, but down are
simply based on crap Libs have fed you. And they continue to feed anyone
who will listen. That's why journalism today is a joke. The Noo Yawk
Times even suggested to reporters to no longer call themselves
journalists! Too funny.

Once you start showing you understand all the politics behind these lies
and stories, then we can say you are smart. Bet you think they are still
whuppin' slaves in Alabama. Turn off your TV.
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Jeanne Douglas
2015-07-30 22:27:04 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have to
waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
Every penny they waste on litigation is money they can claim isn't
available to actually educate the children, thereby furthering their
campaign to destroy public education.

Being open-minded is merely the willingness to consider
evidence, not the willingness to accept claims without any.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2015-07-30 22:33:51 UTC
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 15:27:04 -0700, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have to
waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
Every penny they waste on litigation is money they can claim isn't
available to actually educate the children, thereby furthering their
campaign to destroy public education.

Why can't you people just stand still and shut up while people are

What the fuck is wrong with you, anyway?
2015-07-31 00:17:46 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
It's a good thing that Mississippi school districts have so much money,
they can afford to waste it on fines and legal fees so kids don't have to
waste time praying at home or in church, eh?
Every penny they waste on litigation is money they can claim isn't
available to actually educate the children, thereby furthering their
campaign to destroy public education.
So why do atheists want to destroy the schools with litigation, rather than
just fucking getting over it.