More intolerance by the LGBT mafia
(too old to reply)
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 14:27:04 UTC
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend hate
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as hate,
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no
thing as being gay.
On the contrary, you can hate the sin, but still love the sinner.
You mean, "I love gay people but I hate the sex they have. It's sinful.
Therefore, these gay people I love should live celibate lonely lives."
That strikes me as the farthest thing from love.
Then you know little about true love.
Gay is NOT only a delusion, but appears to also be an obsession.
That's Karma

"All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent
them from owning firearms."
-Dianne Feinstein-
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 14:29:03 UTC
You're a fucking CLERGYMAN, David!
If I were (God forbid) a liberal, listening to other liberals like
"wy" would make me switch sides...
That's okay. No one needs stupid people on the liberal side. You are
where you belong.
Wy just pegged the irony meter.
Without stupid people there would be NO "Liberal side"
That's Karma

Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 14:35:45 UTC
Why are shirts which support an unhealthy lifestyle considered
appropriate, and a badge which opposes such a lifestyle considered
to be
What makes you think heterosexualism is any more of a healthier
Unless, of course, all you're thinking about is genitalia as your
definition of
what constitutes healthy and unhealthy lifestyles.
Stop letting him argue and deflect the issue
Not this particular thread. It's about Freedom of Speech to express the
idea (however hateful) that gays should not be treated equally.
The basic idea is that even though I do not like what you say, I will
defend to the death, your right to say it. These words were not in my
oath of enlistment, but they were certainly a part of the meaning.
Liberals want government to dictate who you can hate and to dictate your
free speech so that you can't express any hate unless it's government
approved hate.

They're OK with hate and themselves expressing it.... but your hate is
what's NOT allowed. This is the old "if your NOT with us you're against

Obama to Latinos "Punish Our Enemies" (American citizens)

Which begs the question of what does Obama say to his other Marxist and
Jihadist friends?
That's Karma

Their mommy's tell them they're special, Liberals just don't understand
that "special" is a polite euphemism for;

*window licker on the short bus*
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 15:02:11 UTC
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend hate
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as hate,
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no
thing as being gay.
On the contrary, you can hate the sin, but still love the sinner.
You mean, "I love gay people but I hate the sex they have. It's sinful.
Therefore, these gay people I love should live celibate lonely lives."
That strikes me as the farthest thing from love.
Then you know little about true love.
Care to explain how wanting gays to be celibate and lonely (assuming as
you want us to, that you believe one can be gay) is an act of love?
DO others want you to be celibate or do they want your delusions to be
managed and controlled by reality?

Most people don't want you putting "your johnson" in a meat grinder
either, so NOT wanting you to put it in the wrong place while delusional
is a matter of Public mental health. Think of it as mandating that you
buy ObamaCare, it's all for the good of your health.

We have to use our delusional Liberal half of our brains and force you
to do what we decide is best for you "and because you don't agree" we
can call you names and destroy you on a personal level, and then pass a
tax law that forces you to do what we want.
That's Karma

#48 - Academia is where Socialists can live in their theoretic bubble
and imagine they have ascended to their Utopia.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 15:11:05 UTC
On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 5:21:43 PM UTC-5, Josh Rosenbluth
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend hate
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as hate,
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no
thing as being gay.
On the contrary, you can hate the sin, but still love the sinner.
You mean, "I love gay people but I hate the sex they have. It's
Therefore, these gay people I love should live celibate lonely
That strikes me as the farthest thing from love.
Then you know little about true love.
Care to explain how wanting gays to be celibate and lonely (assuming as
you want us to, that you believe one can be gay) is an act of love?
Love has little to to with celibacy, or lack or celibacy.
Are you saying that a lifetime, loving companion is not significantly
moored in a sexual relationship?
A stalker think they are in a love relationship as well, but it's also
just a delusional mind at work and the reality is that there is NO
relationship and it's all the mind of the delusional person.

If the person being stalked likes it and commits to the relation ship
and accepts the stalker as their lover then is that a real relationship
or has the second person been sucked into the delusions of the stalker?

Gays are delusional, just like the stalker is delusional.

What special rights do we allow stalkers for being stalkers?
That's Karma


It's Liberal-Democrats who are determining for everyone who and why they
should be offended.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 15:25:45 UTC
On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 5:21:43 PM UTC-5, Josh Rosenbluth
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no
thing as being gay.
On the contrary, you can hate the sin, but still love the sinner.
You mean, "I love gay people but I hate the sex they have. It's
Therefore, these gay people I love should live celibate lonely
That strikes me as the farthest thing from love.
Then you know little about true love.
Care to explain how wanting gays to be celibate and lonely (assuming as
you want us to, that you believe one can be gay) is an act of love?
Love has little to to with celibacy, or lack or celibacy.
Are you saying that a lifetime, loving companion is not significantly
moored in a sexual relationship?
Meaning that you have sex with your children?

You gays have a weird idea of love.... you can't love without sex?

That explains a lot.
That's Karma

Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 16:11:32 UTC
Post by Beam Me Up Scotty
On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 5:21:43 PM UTC-5, Josh Rosenbluth
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no
thing as being gay.
On the contrary, you can hate the sin, but still love the sinner.
You mean, "I love gay people but I hate the sex they have. It's
Therefore, these gay people I love should live celibate lonely
That strikes me as the farthest thing from love.
Then you know little about true love.
Care to explain how wanting gays to be celibate and lonely (assuming as
you want us to, that you believe one can be gay) is an act of love?
Love has little to to with celibacy, or lack or celibacy.
Are you saying that a lifetime, loving companion is not significantly
moored in a sexual relationship?
Meaning that you have sex with your children?
Meaning that pedophilia is on your mind a lot these days. Time to have you reported.
Please do... and it will highlight you as the sick individual with
delusions, since they can crack all my encryption or get Apple inc. to
do it and they'll see that there is NO illegal content. Then they can
wonder why you would make blatantly false accusations and they might
assume (with a little nudging) that you're trying to extort money or
other things from people on the Internet. The resulting investigation
should be a real hoot.
That's Karma

#88 - If identifying and defining gay can't be done then, it must be
like having a soul and spirituality, it's more of a religious experience.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 15:37:58 UTC
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend hate
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as hate, you
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no such
thing as being gay.
On the contrary, you can hate the sin, but still love the sinner.
You mean, "I love gay people but I hate the sex they have. It's sinful.
Therefore, these gay people I love should live celibate lonely lives."
That strikes me as the farthest thing from love.
Just out of curiosity, are you married; if you are, for how long?
Again, the preacher man who has married twice asks as if he knows something about love.
Hasn't love often been described as or compared with a mental illness.
That's Karma

#91 - When you pull at a loose thread, you might unravel the entire
seam that held everything together.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 15:47:14 UTC
I know a hell of a lot about you and how you post. You defend hate
against gay people every day on here. I've never seen anyone so
Milt, to oppose something on moral grounds is not the same as hate, you
seem to have a problem with that concept.
If you morally oppose homosexuality, then you are expressing hatred
towards gays, notwithstanding your ignorant belief that there is no such
thing as being gay.
You have the same problem as Milt, and I don't recall ever having stated
that there is no such things as being gay.
Then if there is such a thing as being gay, gays should have rights, just as there is such a thing as blacks and they have rights. You may not like what rights they have, but they're no different than the ones you have.
Why would you think blacks have more rights than anyone else?

Black is real But they have no more rights and no fewer rights than any

Gay is equal to being a STALKER, it's a mental problem and a delusion.
The gays believe something in their head... like a stalker believes
someone is meant to love them or already does love them, because they're
obsessed with the person being stalked.

Being gay is being delusional like a stalker.

Being Heterosexual is being NORMAL like 98% of the planet.
That's Karma

#70 - You know if someone gets naked and runs around a tree at a little
more than 186,000 miles per second, Albert Einstein's theory is that
they could kiss their own ass.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-03 21:05:52 UTC
The logical conclusion of hating the lifestyle is you
believe a gay person must live a celibate, lonely life.
Nope, I never said that.
I know, but all you have done so far is provide a conclusory statement
that I am wrong. You have yet to logically refute *why* my claim is
As opposed to you stating logically why your claim is right? It's
your claim and your's to back up?
If you can't have sex, your life is going to be lonely without a
lifetime, loving, romantic partner.
So you support all the different types of sexual identity OTHER than
being asexual?

Interesting that you who claims to be the king of equality and
acceptance is NOT accepting of asexual persons that prefer to avoid sex
and might marry without wanting sex in a marriage.
That's Karma

#64 - *He has the most who is most content with the least*
Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-05 18:12:42 UTC
On Thu, 3 Mar 2016 09:52:25 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 9:21:55 PM UTC-5, Josh
The logical conclusion of hating the lifestyle is you
believe a gay person must live a celibate, lonely life.
Nope, I never said that.
I know, but all you have done so far is provide a conclusory
statement that I am wrong. You have yet to logically refute why
my claim is wrong.
As opposed to you stating logically why your claim is right? It's
your claim and your's to back up?
If you can't have sex, your life is going to be lonely without a
lifetime, loving, romantic partner.
So what do you do if you're a pedophile?
You are lonely - and that's a good thing in order to protect children.
Do you have a similar argument as to why it is a good thing for gays to
be lonely?
For their mental wellness.

Delusions should NOT be encouraged. Enabling the gays is like enabling
the delusion that a pedophile has, that a child and a delusional person
are capable of rational decisions and a healthy sexual relationship.
What makes you think that TWO delusional persons of the same gender are
any better at making those rational decisions?

Again it would be akin to enabling a *STALKER* who we consider
delusional and they see a "connection" or a reality that isn't actually
there. They can't understand that the Stalking is created by their
delusional belief that the other person will love them. Gays are
nothing more than stalkers of their same gender, they may not focus on
one person but they focus on one gender. The fact that it's abnormal
behavior makes it a mental illness.

If you ask are gays as dangerous as pedophiles and stalkers, the answer
might be that they are less dangerous to others. But that doesn't make
it any less abnormal or make enabling it any better an idea.
That's Karma


Beam Me Up Scotty
2016-03-05 19:40:16 UTC
On Thu, 3 Mar 2016 09:52:25 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 9:21:55 PM UTC-5, Josh
The logical conclusion of hating the lifestyle is you
believe a gay person must live a celibate, lonely life.
Nope, I never said that.
I know, but all you have done so far is provide a conclusory
statement that I am wrong. You have yet to logically refute why
my claim is wrong.
As opposed to you stating logically why your claim is right? It's
your claim and your's to back up?
If you can't have sex, your life is going to be lonely without a
lifetime, loving, romantic partner.
So what do you do if you're a pedophile?
You are lonely - and that's a good thing in order to protect children.
Do you have a similar argument as to why it is a good thing for gays to
be lonely?
For their mental wellness.

Delusions should NOT be encouraged. Enabling the gays is like enabling
the delusion that a pedophile has, that a child and a delusional person
are capable of rational decisions and a healthy sexual relationship.
What makes you think that TWO delusional persons of the same gender are
any better at making those rational decisions?

Again it would be akin to enabling a *STALKER* who we consider
delusional and they see a "connection" or a reality that isn't actually
there. They can't understand that the Stalking is created by their
delusional belief that the other person will love them. Gays are
nothing more than stalkers of their same gender, they may not focus on
one person but they focus on one gender. The fact that it's abnormal
behavior makes it a mental illness.

If you ask are gays as dangerous as pedophiles and stalkers, the answer
might be that they are less dangerous to others. But that doesn't make
it any less abnormal or make enabling it any better an idea.

Gay sex or Hetero sex, it's all just sex and the problem is when they
build a delusional lifestyle around a specific act or person or thing.

If they had built a delusional "community" around stalking a particular
person then that would be just as abnormal as building a community
around stalking your own gender and show the same kind of mental
illness. The fact that 2% of the population is mentally ill and is
stalking the other 98% is NOT really all that hard to accept.
That's Karma

